Friday 1 November 2013


There i was driving around town looking for my looking for my sister where did she go is she gone or at home.Then right in front of my eyes there is a tsunami right where i am going driving think am i going to die.fear.My heart beating as fast as a tiger.Is my friend dead?who knows.

I hope  my sister isn't dead please don't be please don't be.why is this happening now here?I need to get out of her but what if my sister is still alive.what if i can’t save her it will be all my fault for not staying and  keep looking for her. what should i do should i just go or should i stay and look for her.what should i do some one help me think.

ant there comes out my sister you're alive thought you were dead because of the tsunami.I wasn't here i just got here on a plane.did you i was going to stay there but lucky i didn't i would of died.don’t ever leave again okay.


Vaiana said...

Vaiana: Lyric i really liked your story about the tsunami but you need to work on your full stops at the beginning of your sentences and after full stops

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